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Tag Archives: health

Why must have a health check every year?

Why must have a health check every year? Taking care of your health and maintaining it is very important for everyone. Because the body and various organs Ours is working all the time. And as we age, the body inevitably deteriorates or becomes impaired over

Eye health check: Who said it’s not important?

Eye health check: Who said it’s not important? The eyes are like any other organ. In a body that deteriorates with age Therefore, it is no less necessary than other health examinations.  Many people think that as long as our vision is normal, we don’t need

4 ways to prevent flatulence from vegetables

Although flatulence is just a symptom. not a serious disease But bloating can also be a symptom of a serious illness. Anyone who notices themselves having frequent flatulence don’t leave it Find a way to prevent and treat because it can lead to serious illnesses. Let’s know what’s there UFABET flatulence