Anthony reveals he is well prepare for the Premier League

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Anthony reveals he is well prepare for the Premier League.

Manchester United ‘s Brazilian star Anthony admits training at his new club will “very different” than at Ajax Amsterdam. But is ready for a new challenge in the Premier League.

The £86m star made his debut and scored his first Premier League goal in the 3-1 win over Arsenal, and he admits the Premier League is different from the Eredevisie League from which he came. in training

“Rehearsal is very different. But I was aware and prepared to prepare myself in this regard. I’m always prepared Because I’ve always been following the Premier League, of course training needs to be the best as well.

“I think this team is a great team. We have teams that are familiar with each other and need to understand each other’s play. And will help us develop the football team. Now we know each other more and more, every practice, every game.”

“Off the pitch, I’m in the process of adjusting to the club. and living in Manchester And the people here make me feel very warm. Especially with the Brazilian national team players in this team, many people. It makes it easier to adjust.”