How is BlackJack count? When to split the cards

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How is BlackJack count? When to split the cards.


For card counting, Blackjack is different from other cards that use only the digits as the deciding factor. The key to measuring who loses or wins is the total of all the cards in the hand. The winner is the person who has totaled 21 points or the closest. As for those who score less than or if the total points are more than 21 points, they will lose immediately. 

Then let’s look at the card points and see how many points each card has. will not miss each other

  • A (Ace) is a single card that has two values ​​depending on which card it goes with. If it goes with 10, J, Q or K, it will make it worth 11 points and make it addicted  to blackjack  immediately. But if it goes with 2-9 face cards, no matter which flower is valuable. Only 1 point
  • Face cards 2-9 are a group of cards equal to their face number.
  • These four face cards 10, J, Q and K are the same value of 10.

The split takes place in the event that the player attaches a pair of cards during the first two cards, AA or 88   Players will force to split their cards automatically. Along with forcing to place more bets on separate legs In order to play 2 legs at the same time, but if the money is not enough, place a bet. The system will force you to crouch or surrender.

After splitting the cards If the player receives a pair of AA cards. They will entitle to call 1 more card per hand, but if they get a pair of 88 cards. They will able to draw unlimited cards until we are satisfied with the points. That we think are close to 21. In the event that get another pair Players can choose to remain stationary if they are satisfied with their score. Or you can call more cards as well.

The important thing in playing  BlackJack  is that luck doesn’t help at all. If our basic skills are so low and soil type that the basic rules still do not know. And the more someone who suddenly enters to play with only knowing points like snakes and fish, but without any tricks or tricks In the end, it was only a pig in the hut. Who waited for him to eat at the table. For those who do not want to have such a fate on Online casinos  and then hurry up to read this article until the end and you will know. That  blackjack  is more necessary than luck at UFABET.